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Office Interior Design Tips

Office Interior

Whether you’re redesigning an office or moving into a new office space, the interior design of an office is an important factor that needs to be carefully considered as it can have an impact on employee productivity and the impression it makes on clients. From installing commercial blinds to creating space for natural light to flood in, here are some office interior design tips to follow.

What Is Your Office Culture?

If you’re a start-up, this may be difficult to answer, but think about what you want your office culture to be – what kind of workplace are you trying to foster? Is it a creative, collaborative, and social environment where communication is encouraged, or is it calm, focused, and quiet?

An open plan is a go-to for many workplaces because it allows team working and communication which fosters creativity. It encourages socialization and collaboration on ideas or asking questions. Following years of home working, this will either be a welcome environment or unwelcome if someone prefers to work alone quietly.

Can you combine an open and closed working space? Can you create quiet areas and working pods? Will you have a hot desk policy? These are all important considerations.

Allow And Encourage Movement

While it can be tempting to fit as many desks as possible into a space, it’s important to think about movement in the office. Of course, office size will determine this, but ensure people have a decent amount of space to move around their desks and the ability to get up and walk about or make a drink when they need to. This helps when someone hits a productivity wall and needs a break or just wants to stretch their legs – it’s important for both physical and mental health.

Do you have room for a breakout area or break room to allow someone to take 5 or 10 minutes to themselves, have their lunch away from their desk, or have a meeting or chat away from the hubbub of the office?

Make The Office Feel As Welcoming As Possible

If you have separate offices for everyone or for managers or directors – it’s important that these feel welcoming to foster good employee relations. Glass walls are always a good option as they allow management to be seen and not feel too separate – allowing them to feel more approachable.

Privacy can still be maintained with office blinds that can be adjusted as and when needed, to create privacy during a meeting or commercially sensitive work. There are a variety of options that work in an office space such as vertical, horizontal, and roller blinds. You could also consider electric blinds that make adjusting blinds as and when needed as easy as possible with just the push of a button.

These are also ideal for meeting rooms, allowing for easy adjustment if sunlight needs to be managed to allow for on-screen presentations and projections.

Allow For Natural Light

If you can utilize plenty of natural light and window space, then do. Lighting is incredibly important in an office for productivity – particularly natural light which provides vitamin D and can boost happiness as well helping circadian rhythms allowing for a better night’s sleep and thus a more productive and happier workplace. Easy-to-use blinds will help with this and can be adjusted as the sun moves to avoid glare.

If window space is limited, use mirrors and light reflective furniture and colors to create a brighter space and the illusion of more light.

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