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A Day In The Life Of A Complex Care Nurse Or Carer

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Live in care is an increasingly popular option among those who require constant or consistent care and support, who wish to stay at home for as long as possible. From retaining some semblance of a normal routine, to holding onto their independence and benefitting from access to familiar and well-loved surroundings, live in care is recognised as a good option for both individuals in need of care and their family members.

But what exactly does live in care require, and how do our carers spend their days? This article offers insight into a day in life of a complex care worker.

What Is Complex Care?

Complex care refers to the kind of live in care support that helps those with life-altering and debilitating conditions – for example those with brain injuries, spinal injuries, degenerative conditions, and cerebral palsy to name just a few of the most common. With the aim of stabilising the routine of such individuals, limiting stress and disruption while supporting them as required, complex care differs depending on the individual and is often delivered on a one-to-one basis.

Compared with standard live in care, complex care tends to require a specific match between the individual in need of support and the team member who’s best equipped to help them – with specialist training available to those team members who step into complex care roles.

Insight Into A Complex Care Worker’s Routine

The day of a complex carer starts and ends in the home of their current charge, with our live in care support meaning that those in need of care benefit from access to their carer at all hours, as and when required.

With close connections with family members, friends, and loved ones, a complex care nurse or worker will have a well-defined morning routine consisting of any medication and other personal needs, before providing companionship and support throughout the day.

For the individual in need of care, especially those living with some of the life-altering complex conditions mention above, having a live in carer means that they can adapt their habits and routines accordingly – still going out for a morning walk, popping to the café at lunchtime, or even going into work in some cases.

Complex care is whatever the individual need it to be, with our team of carers ready to provide hands-on and specialist support as required.

How Do I Know If I Need A Complex Care Worker Or Not?

Complex care is defined as a form of care which requires specialist training and the right kind of individual paired with the customer or individual in need. These matches tend to be handled sensitively with our team working hard to make sure that there is match in personality as well as ability – giving both you, the family, and your loved one the benefit of a care worker who understands and is ready to support you however they can.

For more information or to discuss your individual situation, get in touch today. Our team will be more than  happy to help.

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